mardi 15 mai 2007

Conférence ecci X

Ca y est, nous avons reçu la réponse au sujet de la conférence ECCI X .............................................. Et notre abstract a été acepté! J'irai donc voir la petite sirène en Octobre prochain!

Et comme promis, voici l'abstract que nous avions envoyé:

"Networks for knowledge building are not a new phenomenon. Researchers have always used contacts with peers to face their ideas with relevant opinions and to build collective knowledge. For a given organization, good partners that bring knowledge and open new opportunities are more than ever a key factor of its success in innovation. Looking at the growing phenomenon of blogging, we have noticed that weblogs meet some of the conditions required for efficient knowledge sharing in research networks such as the access to multiple viewpoints or trust. Some initiatives using weblogs to share and discuss preliminary research are remarkable but their replication is still hampered by the lack of credibility conferred by the academic community toward the blogging phenomenon. The goal of this paper is thus to study the role of trust in networks formed by research bloggers, when digital exchanges replace the “In Real Life” socialization process. In a first time, we shall define our object of interest, Blogs and more particularly research blogs. Then, we shall explore the development of trust in those communities: the relevance of trust while blogging and elements of trust building for the development and persistence of the network."

Bref, une belle aventure (professionnelle) en perspective!

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